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Sponsor: Ministry of Trade and Industry

Period of Consultations: Mon February 12, 2024 to Thu December 05, 2024

A BILL for the establishment of the Business Regulatory Reform Commission; to provide for the implementation of business regulatory governance tools, which are the regulatory impact assessment, rolling review, tracking tool, consultation portal, and e-registry of business regulations to provide for a public consultative system in the making of business and business-related regulations, and to provide for related matters.

The development of this legislative framework falls in line with government's initiative to enhance the doing of business and speed up its economic and industrial transformation agenda through a reform of the business regulatory sector. This project aligns with the strategic objective of the Business Regulatory Reform programme of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to make Ghana the most business-friendly nation in Africa by the end of the year 2024 through a sustained scheme of improvement of the business regulatory environment. 

The purpose is to establish a business regulatory framework providing procedures and mechanisms for analysis, validation and evaluation of business-related regulations aimed at eliminating regulatory bottlenecks in doing business and reducing the risks and costs to business development, particularly in the private sector. This intervention in turn is expected to lead to increased investment, enhanced market entry and an overall higher economic growth.

The relevance of this bill is to establish acceptable standards of transparency to protect the integrity of regulatory practices through the coordination and tracking of reforms of key government institutions in establishing, commencing and operating a business in Ghana. In effect, the establishment of a business regulatory reform entity shall act as a link between the various business regulations of Ghana and the private sector by assessing and evaluating the impact business s regulations have on investors' business operations and arrangements generally, in Ghana.

Key Provisions / Thematic Areas

The objects of the Commission are to:

  • Provide a consultative system through the Ghana Business Regulatory Reform Portal.
  • Promote the use of an electronic registry of business regulations.
  • Oversee and coordinate the conduct of regulatory impact assessment of business regulations.
  • Collaborate with the Law Reform Commission to organize, coordinate, and conduct periodic rolling reviews of business regulations.
  • To improve Ghana's performance in the business environment through monitoring and evaluation.


We invite you to kindly bring forth your much needed comments, inputs and/or recommendations in view of helping shape this draft Bill.
Alternatively, if you have no objection, kindly confirm in writing.

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