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Sponsor: Ministry of Trade and Industry

Period of Consultations: Wed May 08, 2024 to Wed July 31, 2024

IN exercise of the power conferred on the Minister responsible for Justice and on the advice of the Board of the Office of the Registrar of Companies by section 167 of the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015), these Regulations are made this ……….day of …………………………………., 2024. 

These Regulations apply to the administration, restructuring or liquidation of a company. 

Key Provisions / Thematic Areas

The purpose of these Regulations is to 

  1. prescribe the thresholds to determine the inability of a company to pay the debts or other obligations of the company; 
  2. prescribe the procedure for
    • a meeting of creditors; and 
    • a watershed meeting; 
  3. prescribe the procedure for the appointment, removal, resignation and filling of vacancies of insolvency practitioners; 
  4. provide the criteria for proving debts; 
  5. provide for reporting procedures; and 
  6. provide for any other matter 


We invite you to kindly bring forth your much needed comments, inputs and/or recommendations in view of helping shape this draft Legislative Instrument. Alternatively, if you have no objection, kindly confirm in writing.

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