
Electronic Transactions Act, 2008 (Act 772) as amended by the Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act 838)

Section 39(1):  The Agency shall not grant a licence under this Act unless the Agency is satisfied that a security procedure related to or issued by an applicant, 
(a) is uniquely linked to the user, 
(b) is capable of identifying that user, 
(c) is created using means that can be maintained under the sole control of that user, and 
(d) will be linked to the electronic record to which it relates so that any subsequent change of the electronic record is detectable. 

Subject : Electronic Transactions  

Procedure to Follow

 A licence under this Act shall not be issued to an individual but a corporate body...
Responsible Institution

Ministry of Communications


Relevant Forms to Download

Not Available

Online System

Link Unavailable

Fees/ charges

Not Avaiable