Subject : Fees and Charges (Petroleum)Regulation 3: (1) A subcontractor, licensee or any other person that is engaged in petroleum activities or that provides a service in the upstream petroleum industry shall(a) obtain a permit from the Commission; and(b) pay, in respect of the permit, the fee specified in(i) Part 1 of the Second Schedule in the case of a fully indigenous Ghanaian company;(ii) Part 2 of the Second Schedule in the case of an indigenous Ghanaian company; or(iii) Part 3 of the Second Schedule in the case of a foreign company.PETROLEUM(2) An operator shall before the commencement of exploration and development activities(a) obtain a permit from the Commission; and(b) pay, in respect of the permit, the fee specified in Part 4 of the Second Schedule.(3) A contractor or operator shall, before the commencement of petroleum production(a) obtain a permit from the Commission; and(b) pay, in respect of the permit and based on the submitted production profile, the fees specified in(i) Part 5 of the Second Schedule, in the case of a foreign company; or(ii) Part 6 of the Second Schedule, in the case of an indigenous Ghanaian Company.
Procedure to Follow
Not Avaiable
Responsible Institution
National Petroleum Authority
No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra
Email: info@npa.gov.gh
Website: http://www.npa.gov.gh/
GPS: GA-156-7533
Tel: +233 0302 550333 +233 0302 766195 +233 0302 766196
Relevant Forms to Download
Not Available
Online System
Link Unavailable
Fees / Charges
Not Avaiable