B-READY assesses the economy’s business environment by focusing on the regulatory framework and the provision of related public services for firms and markets, as well as the efficiency with which they are combined in practice

Highest Performance
Ghana scores highest in Labor, Utility Services, and Business Insolvency.

Lowest Performance
Ghana scores lowest in Market Competition, Business Entry, and Dispute Resolution.
2024 Over-all Score
Ghana's B-Ready Score

2024 Score for each Pillar
Regulatory Framework
Public Service
Operational Efficiency
Regulatory Framework
rules and regulations that firms must follow as they open, operate, and close a business.
Public Services
the facilities that governments provide directly or through private firms to support compliance with regulations and the critical institutions and infrastructure that enable business activities.
Operational Efficiency
pertains to the efficacy with which the regulatory framework and related public services are combined in practice to obtain the objectives that allow firms to function.