Reform Monitoring & Tracking System

A Web-based performance management system to setup, manage, monitor and track reform activities undertaking by various Reform Institutions across the country aimed at improving doing business environment.

Based on the feedback received from the general public and the busness community on their experience with public services, the TWGs developes reform recommendations for implementation by the relevant reform implementing institutions to create a congenial environment for private sector development.
The reform recommendations largely covered:

  • legal and regulatory reviews,
  • review of administrative procedures,
  • automation/digitalization of administrative processes
  • review of fees structure


Are you a Reform Institution?

Please login to the Reform Tracker to update your reforms activities

Process Flow



Set up various Reform components, objectives & activities.

Reform Institutions

Set up various Reform Implementing Institutions in the System

Reform Data

Input various Reform Activities and aligned them to implementing Institutions


Generate Management Report on Various Reforms.
